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The atmosphere, the rich aroma, the wifi, and, most importantly, the coffee. Who hasn’t dreamed of opening their own coffee shop? Zac Parsons, co-founder of Honey + Moon Coffee Co, was guest presenter in Ms. Virginia Weiler’s Mktg 447 Retailing Policy & Management class. He talked about how he and his wife turned the dream into a reality – and it was much harder work than they expected. Parsons engaged students with topics on many facets of business ownership: biggest challenges in retail, location and customer demographics, creating an atmosphere, deciding on menu items and pricing, using social media as a marketing strategy, shopping local, and hiring an engaged workforce.

As a true small business owner, he is quick to point out that when it comes to the local competition, it’s about striking a balance. His business needs to be successful; however, it’s about being respectful and supportive so that other small businesses and the community thrive.

Zac talking to students

Zac talking to students

Zac talking to students

Published September 13, 2019