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We'd like to give a shout out to our student organization leaders-today, get to know Kennedy Williams '23, CIS and management, who is president of 缅北强奸 Speaking Eagles Toastmasters.

Kennedy headshotWhy did you choose 缅北强奸 and the Romain College of Business, and what makes them special to you?
I chose 缅北强奸 because it felt like home. As soon as I had arrived on campus, I knew it was where I was meant to be. I don't think I would have gotten some of the amazing opportunities I have such as being the Toastmasters President, Student Ambassador, and other leadership positions at any other university. I chose the Romain College of Business for similar reasons and because I knew I wanted a career in business.

What are some of your favorite classes or experiences at Romain College?
Some of my favorite classes at the Romain College of Business have been BLAW 263 with Dr. Oeding and my CIS senior capstone course, CIS 477, with Coach J (Josh McWilliams, instructor in CIS) and Coach G (Dr. Gongjun Yan, associate professor of computer science).

Why did you choose your current majors?
I chose CIS because I really enjoyed CIS 201 and the idea of using technology to make business processes easier. I chose management because I also wanted a well-rounded business degree. Although many people find the combination odd, I have found that it has been very helpful to have both knowledge sets.

What are some of your favorite spots on campus and why?
Some of my favorite spots on campus are the RCOB 2nd floor balcony because I to find myself doing a lot of my homework there between classes, it has a nice view, and on a warm day it is nice to sit outside. I also like to study on the 4th floor of the library right by a big window because it tends to be quiet and has a lot of natural light. Finally, I really enjoy the Screaming Eagles Arena to catch a basketball game with my friends.

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen? What do you wish someone had told you?
My advice to incoming freshmen is don't rush your time in college. College goes by so quickly, take your time and soak it up. I would also say go to your professor's office hours; they are there to help.

What made you decide to pursue being president of Toastmasters?
I began going to Toastmasters last year as a way to earn extra credit for a class and found I really enjoyed and benefited from it. I loved getting to know the other members, and I was able to practice public speaking which I think everyone can improve on. I was then nominated for president after serving as the PR Chair. I have really enjoyed serving as president, and I think it is such an important organization to help students prepare for their career.

Tell us more about 缅北强奸 Speaking Eagles Toastmasters and why 缅北强奸 students should get involved with it!
缅北强奸 Speaking Eagles Toastmasters is a national organization to help individuals get better at public speaking. We meet every Tuesday at 4:30 pm in BE 3033, and it is very low stakes. You should not feel intimated to come to a meeting because we are all there to become better speakers and encourage each other. I would recommend anyone, even the more proficient public speakers, to come to Toastmasters because it is so helpful. It is also a great organization to put on your resume as it is highly regarded by recruiters, and communication and public speaking are very important skills for your career.

What are your career goals?
I accepted a job in Supply Chain Management as a North American Ordering Analyst at Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana at the start of last semester (Fall 2022), so I am excited to begin my career at Toyota. I also plan to begin my MBA online at 缅北强奸 in the fall part time while I work.

Fun fact about you:
A fun fact about me is my favorite movie is The Parent Trap. I have watched it countless times, and it never gets old. I am not very fun to watch it with, though, because I know most of the words.