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Engbers, PhD Associate Professor, Political Science and Public Administration 山ǿ 8600 University Boulevard Evansville, IN 47712 Office:(812) 465-1130 Fax: (812) 465-7152  HYPERLINK "mailto:Taengbers@usi.edu" Taengbers@usi.edu Linkedin:  HYPERLINK "http://www.linkedin.com/in/trentengbers" http://www.linkedin.com/in/trentengbers Twitter: @DrTrentEngbers  HYPERLINK "http://faculty.usi.edu/taengbers/" http://faculty.usi.edu/taengbers/ TED Talk:  HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vmc2sd8DI4" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vmc2sd8DI4 Education PhD in Public Affairs Concentration: Public Administration and Policy Analysis Minor: Political Science, 2011 Indiana University ONeill School of Public and Environmental Affairs Graduate Certificate Organizational and Community Change, 2004 University of Missouri Truman School of Public Affairs Masters of Arts College Student Personnel, 2002 Thesis: The relationship of college student attitudes towards citizenship on leadership style. University of Maryland Bachelors of Science in Business Administration Major: Finance Minor: Economics, 1999 - Summa Cum Laude Xavier University Professional Experience 山ǿ College of Liberal Arts Interim Assistant Dean 2021-2022 Serve as part of the leadership team for the College of Liberal Arts which consists of more than 2,300 students in more than 30 majors. Responsibilities include overseeing seven graduate programs for the college and managing college level strategies concerning grants, special events, technology and strategic planning. Deans office contact for faculty affairs for 116 full and 114 part-time faculty. Department of Political Science and Public Administration Tenured Associate Professor 2019-Present Director of the Masters of Public Administration 2018-Present Assistant Professor 2013-2019 2015 present -2016 山ǿ Foundation Award Recipient for Outstanding Teaching by a New Faculty Member. Administer the Masters of Public Administration degree with concentrations in Nonprofit Management and Public Management. Teach five courses per year in the undergraduate and graduate program. Primary faculty member in nonprofit management MPA concentration and in the undergraduate concentration in Public and Nonprofit Administration. Conduct research on public service motivation, leadership, economic development, nonprofit management and religion in public life. Developed and implemented a study abroad program in China. Cardinal Analytics and Planning Associates (CAPA), LLC Senior Partner 2017-Present Provide consultancy services on public and nonprofit strategic planning with special emphasis on survey design, economic development, fundraising, group facilitation and board development. Recent clients include the US Department of Defense, Indiana State Department of Health, Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy2018 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Indiana University ONeill School of Public and Environmental Affairs Visiting Lecturer 2015-Present Associate Instructor 2008-2012 Center for Rural Engagement Affiliate Faculty member 2018-Present Teach Public and Nonprofit Management course in US News and World Reports #2 Ranked MPA program. Oversee summer immersive program in Public Administration for distance education students. Teach human resources for executive education program for U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Centers. Indiana Commission for Higher Education Commission Member 2019-2021 Appointed by Governor Eric Holcomb to represent the faculty of the colleges and universities in Indiana. The Commission for Higher Education is the governing body responsible for overseeingpost secondary institutions. The body is empowered to make budgetary recommendations to the Indiana State General Assembly and tuition recommendations to colleges and universities. The ICHE also has final approval powers over the creation of degree programs. As an active member of the strategic planning process, I have emphasized balancing quality with affordability, reducing barriers to success, and fostering extracurricular and experiential learning. DePaul University School of Public Service Assistant Professor, Director of the DePaul China Program 2012-2013 Teach six courses per year, maintain an active research agenda and engage in faculty service including serving on the public service management and nonprofit management masters degree committees. Advise graduate students and provide ongoing mentorship to graduate assistants. Develop and implement a the Depaul China study abroad program. Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs Graduate Assistant to James L. Perry 2007-2008 Responsibilities included teaching undergraduate and graduate courses as needed, conducting research on performance related pay and organizational commitment, and compiling case study material. Guiyang College Peoples Republic of China English Department Peace Corps Volunteer 2005-2007 Responsibilities included developing curriculum and teaching 16 hours a semester, editing a new textbook, advising student organizations and providing teacher training. Elected by peers to represent approximately 100 volunteers on the Volunteer Advisory Committee. Achieved a Chinese oral proficiency level of Advanced Intermediate. University of Missouri-Columbia Division of Student Affairs Leadership Development 2002-2005 Responsibilities included administering program budget and staffing, developing curriculum for academic and experiential leadership opportunities, instructing for-credit courses, advising student organizations and supervising professional, graduate and undergraduate staff. University of Maryland Division of Student Affairs Greek Life Advisor 2000-2002 Responsibilities included advising individual students and student organizations, overseeing major programming initiatives (>$30,000), advising students on alcohol-related issues and serving as a liaison to the General Councils office on matter of Fraternity and Sorority risk management and adjudication. Marquette University Division of Student Affairs Intern for Orientation and Community Service Summer 2001 Responsibilities included organizing freshman service day for 300 first year students, providing orientation staff training on diversity and group facilitation, organizing two orientation programs for multi-cultural students and overseeing program assessment. University of Maryland College of Education Adjunct Instructor for Educational Counseling and Personnel Services 317: Leadership Spring 2001 Responsibilities included adapting curriculum and designing lesson plans for leadership course for 25 students, providing leadership lectures and facilitating class discussions on topics related to leadership and coordinating class assignments, exams, and grading. Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity Beta Omicron Chapter House Director 2000-2001 Responsibilities included contracting and supervising cleaning and catering services as facility manager, coordinating leases, room assignments, and emergency procedures and overseeing compliance to house policies and managing behavioral issues. Greater Birmingham Ministries and Neighborhood Services, Inc. Jesuit Volunteer Corp Community Organizer 1999-2000 Responsibilities included assisting approximately 700 families in organizing their high-density housing project, tutoring at inner-city elementary school as part of a community education initiative and assisting Executive Director with grant application research. Cincinnati Association for the Blind Intern Summer 1998 Responsibilities included implementing assistive technology programs to aid blind professionals in using technology in a vocational setting, assisting with blind rehabilitation in client homes and implementing the talking book program. Research Grants 山ǿ Faculty Research and Creative Works Grant, 2022 山ǿ College of Liberal Arts Faculty Development Award, 2015 山ǿ Junior Faculty Summer Research Award, 2014 DePaul Quality Instruction Council Grant, 2013 Dissertation Improvement Grant: Institute for Development Strategies, 2010 Peer Reviewed Publications Engbers, T. (2022). Creating Indexes in SPSS for Managers with Data from the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (2020). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hameduddin, T & Engbers, T. (2021). Leadership and public service motivation: A systematic synthesis. International Journal of Public Administration, 24(1), 86-119. Engbers, T. (2019). Between lecture and flipped: The use of "labs" in the public administration classroom. Teaching Public Administration., 37(3), 312-326. Engbers, T. A. (2019). The Economic Impact of Friends: Shift-Share Analysis with Regression. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Engbers, T.A. & Rubin, B. M. (2018). Theory to practice: Recommendations for fostering economic development through Social Capital. Public Administration Review, 78(4), 567-578. Engbers, T. A. (2017). The influence of Confucianism on the emergence and regulation of nonprofits in China. Proceedings of the 8th World Confucian Conference, 307-317. Hanka, M. & Engbers, T.A. (2017). Social capital and economic development: A neighborhood perspective. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 3(3) 272-291 . Engbers, T., Rubin, B. M., & Aubuchon, C. (2017). The Currency of Connections: An Analysis of the Urban Economic Impact of Social Capital. Economic Development Quarterly, 31(1), 37-49. Engbers, T. A., Thompson, M. F., & Slaper, T. F. (2017). Theory and measurement in social capital research. Social Indicators Research, 132(2), 537-558. Engbers, T. A. (2016). Comparative research: An approach to teaching research methods in political science and public administration. Teaching Public Administration, 34(3), 270-283. Engbers, T. A. (2015). Building community: The characteristics of Americas most civic cities. Journal of Public Affairs, 16(1), 50-56. Fucilla, L & Engbers, T.A. (2015) Sounding Presidential: Framing and political leadership in Presidential speeches. Congress and the Presidency, 42, 1, 50-78. Engbers, T (2013). Politics of Polygamous People: What a Minority Religion Can Tell Us about Religion and Politics in America, Religion and Politics Journal, 2, 373-395. Engbers, T.A. & Fucilla, L. (2012). Transformational Leadership and the Obama Presidency. Social Science Quarterly, 93(5), 1127-1145. Perry, J.L., Engbers, T. A., & Jun, S.Y. (2009). Back to the future? Performance-related pay, empirical research, and the perils of persistence. Public Administration Review, 69, 1, 39-52. Engbers, T. A. (2006). Student Leadership Program Model Revisited. Journal of Leadership Education, 5, 3. 1-4. Editor Reviewed Publications Engbers, T. A. (2009). Learning the profession. PA Times, 32, 10, 4-11. Engbers, T. A. (2004). Learning laboratories for civic leadership. ACUHO-I Talking Stick, 22, 2, 12-14. Book Reviews Engbers, T. A. (2012). Book Review: Does Local Government Matter?: How Urban Policies Shape Civic Engagement by Elaine B. Sharp. Journal of Politics, 74(4): 41-42. Engbers, T. A. (2005). Book Review: Paradox of Group Life. National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs: Concepts and Connections, 13, 2, 4-15. Other Selected Publications Hanka, M & T. Engbers. (2021) Social capital and economic development. A neighborhood perspective. What is Happening in my Community? Why Community Development Matters. Hanka, M (Ed.) Lexington Books. Engbers, T. (2020). The ins and outs of motivational crowding in Randall Davis and Ed Stazyks The Handbook of Research on Motivation in Public Administration . Cheltenham, United Kingdon: Edward Elgar Publishing Warren, D, Rubin, B, & Engbers, T. (2001). Safe Produce Indiana: A Baseline Report. 1-78. A Program Evaluation Conducted for the Indiana State Department of Health.  HYPERLINK "http://faculty.usi.edu/media/1596/psm-statement-draft-2.pdf" \o "PSM statement draft 2.pdf" Scholars of Aspen Grove. (2019). The Apsen Grove Statement. 2019 Elevating Public Service Motivation Conference, Aspen Grove, Utah.  Engbers, T. A. (2017). Pioneer Scouts of Rose Ravine. Winner of a peer reviewed 2017 Syracuse University E-PARCC Teaching Case Study Competition. Available in English at  HYPERLINK "https://www.maxwell.syr.edu/parcc/eparcc/cases/Pioneer_Scouts_of_Rose_Ravine-_CASE/" https://www.maxwell.syr.edu/parcc/eparcc/cases/Pioneer_Scouts_of_Rose_Ravine-_CASE/ (Chinese and Spanish forthcoming). Engbers, T.A. & Williamson, B. (2017). A Technical Report on Special Education in the Catholic Diocese of Evansville. Perry, James, T. Engbers, & Jun, S. (2012). Performance Pay Revisited (Pg 27-66). In Durant, Robert (ed). Debating Public Administration: Management Challenges, Choices, and Opportunities Washington, DC: CRC Press. Engbers, T.A. (2011). Who is the money in your neighborhood: An analysis of the social impacts of economic development. Unpublished dissertation. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Engbers, T. A. & Bishay, K. (2011). Gaurdian Ad Litem of Madison County. Winner of a peer reviewed 2017 Syracuse University E-PARCC Teaching Case Study Competition. Available in English, Spanish and Chinese at  HYPERLINK "https://www.maxwell.syr.edu/parcc/eparcc/cases/2011_2_Case/" https://www.maxwell.syr.edu/parcc/eparcc/cases/2011_2_Case/. Engbers, T. A. & Warner, M. E. (2002). Womens leadership. Commission for Students, Their Activities, and Their Communities Interchange, 31, 3, 6-7. Engbers, T. A. (2002). Exploring the relationship of attitudes toward citizenship and leadership style among college students. Unpublished masters thesis, University of Maryland, College Park. Engbers, T. A. (2001). Service-learning and diversity education. Commission for Students, Their Activities, and Their Communities Interchange, 30, 1, 4-5. Current Working Papers Smothers, J. Engbers, T. & Russel Self-Efficacy Mediation of Religious Well-Being and Work- Family Balance. Submitted to the Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion. Engbers, T & Bright, L, Homberg, F, & Resh, B. Teaching Public Service Motivation Submitted to the Journal of Public Administration Education. Yaro, F. & T. Engbers Nonprofit Accountability: Effects of Subsector on Online Accountability Submitted to Financial Accountability & Management Fucilla, L & Engbers, T.A. A research note on Framing Engbers, T. A. (2013). Who is the money in your neighborhood? An analysis of the social impacts of economic development. Engbers, T. A. (2013). Legislative support for non profits: Why do they care or at least say they do? Select Media Coverage Nonprofits and Covid 19 Interview (April 19, 2020) WFIE Nonprofits and Covid 19 Interview (April 17, 2020) WEVV Nonprofits and Covid 19 Interview (May 20, 2020) Evansville Courier and Press Editorial Zimmer, J (November 5, 2019) WIKY News Zimmer, J (November 6, 2019) WIKY News Irons, A. (December 12, 2017). WEHT Eyewitness News at 5. Byrd, B. (November 7, 2016). In Depth. ABC Eyewitness News at 9 Byrd, B. (November 3, 2016). ABC Eyewitness News at 4 Dolinsky, S. (2013). DePaul Students Study Ethnic Grocery Store Impact. Chicago, IL: ABC News 7 Plambeck, J. (2002). Volunteerism Trumps Politics for Students. Washington DC Bureau: St. Louis, IL Post Dispatch. Professional Service Asia Pacific Journal of Public Public Administration, Editorial Board, 2022-Present Indiana Commission for Higher Education Faculty Conference on Adult Learning, Chair, 2021 Hyung Kang Hur External Tenure Review, IU Kokomo, 2021 Journal of Public and Environmental Affairs, Advisory Board, 2017-Present EPARCC Judge 2018, 2020 Sociology and Anthropology Journal, Review Board Member, 2015-18 British Journal of Education, Society, & Behavioral Science, Associate Editor, 2013-2016 ARNOVA/Gates Foundation Institute on Public Policy and the Non Profit Sector, Intern, 2010 International Public Service Motivation, Conference Associate, 2009 Academy of Management, Conference Reviewer, 2008, 2009 International Philanthropy Meeting, Conference Assistant, 2007 Leadership Educators Institute, Co-founder and Co-chair, 2004 American College Personnel Association: Leadership Education Committee Chair, 2003-2005; Commission on Student Involvement, Directorate 2002-2005; Commission for Student Involvement Powerful Practices Manual, Co-editor 2002-2004; Program Reviewer 2003 LeaderShape Inc., Cluster Facilitator, 2003 BACCHUS/GAMMA Peer Education Network, Regional Conference Coordinator, 2002 National Leadership Symposium, Conference Associate 2001 Second Annual National Service Learning Forum, Conference Committee Member 2001 Refereed Presentations Fostering Public Service Motivation through Leadership, Midwest Political Science Association, 2022 Commission on National and Community Service Report, Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration, 2021 Teaching Public Service Motivation, Elevating Public Service Motivation Conference, 2019 Leadership and Public Service Motivation: A Systematic Synthesis, Elevating Public Service Motivation Conference, 2019 Between lecture and flipped: The use of "labs" in the public administration classroom, Midwest Political Science Association, 2019 Theory and Measurement in Social Capital Research, ARNOVA, 2017 Social Capital and Economic Development: A Neighborhood Perspective, Midwest Political Science Association, 2017 The Role of Social Capital and Civil Society in Community and Economic Development, Urban Affairs Association, 2016 Building Community: The Characteristics of Americas Most Civic Cities, ARNOVA 2015 Social Capital and Economic Development: A Neighborhood Perspective, Community Development Society Conference, 2015 Comparative Research: An Approach to Teaching Research Methods in Political Science, Midwest Political Science Association, 2015 Community and Economy: The Effects of Social Capital on Economic Outcomes, Capitalism and socialism: A conference at New Harmony., 2014 Transforming Leadership and the Obama Presidency, International Leadership Association, 2013 Research on Framing Effects, Midwest Political Science Association, 2013 Re-examining the Economic Impact of Social Capital. ARNOVA, 2012 Presidential Communication and Agenda Setting, Midwest Political Science Association, 2012 Without resources: The Social Impact of Economic Development, Midwest Political Science Association, 2011 The Economic Roots of Citizenship, ARNOVA, 2011 Political Frames and Executive Leadership. Public Management Research Association, 2011 Economic Development and Community Life. Midwest Political Science Association, 2011 Sounding Presidential: Framing and political leadership in Presidential speeches. Midwest Political Science Association, 2011 The New Jewish Voter (with Alex Halpern). Midwest Political Science Association, 2010 Legislative Support for Non-Profits. ARNOVA, 2009 Organizational Commitment and Change. Academy of Management, 2009 Plurality Policy and the Politics of Polygamous People. Midwest Political Science Association, 2009 Back to the Future? Performance-Related Pay, Empirical Research, and the Perils of Persistence. Academy of Management, 2008 Anti-federalism and Street Level Bureaucracy: A Relationship between Ideas and Discretion. Midwest Political Science Association, 2008 The Student Leadership Programming Matrix. American College Personnel Association, 2004 The Student Leadership Programming Matrix. International Leadership Association, 2003 Womens Leadership. Missouri College Personnel Conference, 2002 Effective Service Learning Programs. Maryland Student Affairs Conference, 2002 Leadership and Integrity. Maryland RA Conference, 2001 Effective Conversations. Maryland Leadership Conference, 2000 Invited Presentations National Putting the Capital in Social Capital, Social Capital research Network (New Zealand), 2021 Leadership and Public Service Motivation, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), 2021 The Influence of Confucianism on the Emergence and Regulation of Nonprofits in China. 8th World Confucian Conference in Qufu China, 2017 Politics of Polygamous People, National Roundtable on Religion and Politics in America, 2015 Social Change Leadership, University YMCA of America, 2004 The Hidden Curriculum of Leadership Development, Leadership Educators Institute, 2004 Regional Association of SPEA PhD Students, Panel on Faculty Life, 2014 SFE Fraternity Regional Conference, Ritual in Leadership, 2004 AGR Fraternity Regional Conference, Mission and Vision, 2001 Selected State and Local The Church in China: Faith, Religion and Politics Catholic Medical Association of SW Indiana, 2021 Social Media and Fundraising, Evansville Area Fundraising Council, 2021 Understanding Donor Motivation, Evansville Area Fundraising Council, 2018 Cookies, Currency and Connection, TedxEvansville, 2017 Seven conversations to have with your board, Evansville Area Fundraising Council, 2017 Making the Most of Your End of the Year Appeal , Evansville Area Fundraising Council, 2016 Social Capital and Metropolitan Economic Development, Liberal Arts Colloquium Series 2016 Facebook, Twitter and Other Online Fundraising Techniques That Puzzle Those of a Certain Generation What Research Tells Us 山ǿ Raising Money Online, Evansville Area Fundraising Council, 2015 The Science and Art of Fundraising, Evansville Area Fundraising Council: Millionaire Edition, 2014 The Science and Art of Fundraising, Evansville Area Fundraising Council, 2014 The Hidden Curriculum of Leadership Development, Missouri College Personnel Conference, 2004 Leadership in Teams, Audrey Walton Youth Leadership Academy, 2004 Creativity in Organizations, 4-H State Leadership Training, 2003 In defense of womens leadership programs, Missouri College Personnel Association, 2003 Leadership & Ethical Decision Making, Maryland Leadership Conference, 2001 Courses Taught GLLC G491: Returning from study abroad, Indiana University GLLC G291: Preparing to study abroad, Indiana University POLS 104/202: Intro to Public Administration, 山ǿ POLS 232/331: Research Design/Data Collection, 山ǿ POLS 323: Public and Nonprofit Personnel Administration, 山ǿ POLS 332: Statistics and Data Analysis, 山ǿ POLS 351: Leadership in Bureaucratic Organizations, 山ǿ POLS 363: Public and Nonprofit Organizational Behavior, 山ǿ POLS 465/PA565: Comparative Public Policy, 山ǿ POLS 498: Independent Study in Advanced Econometrics and other topics, 山ǿ PA 601: Organizational Development, 山ǿ PA 605: Foundations of Nonprofit Administration, 山ǿ PA 606: Pubic and Nonprofit Personnel Administration, 山ǿ PA 611: Public Leadership, 山ǿ PA 618: Research Methods in Public Administration, 山ǿ PA 631: Resource Development and Fundraising, 山ǿ PA 632: Public Administration, 山ǿ PA 684: Grant Writing, 山ǿ PA 697: Capstone, 山ǿ MPS 542: Policy Design and Analysis, DePaul University MPS 613: Comparative Public Policy, DePaul University MPS 587: Research Methods II, DePaul University MPS 586: Research Methods I, DePaul University MPS 519: Resource Development, DePaul University MPS 500: Introduction to Public Service Management, DePaul University MNA 76510: Leadership, University of Notre Dame SPEA M521: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector SPEA M621: Public and Nonprofit Personnel Administration SPEA K300: Introduction to Statistics, Indiana University SPEA V/E 100: Introduction to Theories and Practice of Leadership, Indiana University SPEA V241: Public Management, Indiana University SPEA V263: Public Administration, Indiana University SPEA V366: Organizational Behavior, Indiana University SPEA V502: Public Management, Indiana University SPEA V521: Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector, Indiana University SPEA V550: SPEA Connect Week, Indiana University SPEA V550: Organizational and Community Change Reading American Literature, Guiyang College Oral English, Guiyang College Culture of English Speaking Countries, Guiyang College Educational Leadership 100: Chancellors Leadership Class, University of Missouri Public Affairs 4001: Leadership in Theory and Practice, University of Missouri Education Counseling and Personnel Services 317: Introduction to Leadership, University of Maryland Theses Advised McCalment, Tina (2021). Variations on a Theme: Characteristics of Creative Aging Programs in Museum. Yaro, Fatin (2020). Nonprofit Accountability: Does Subsector Affect Online Accountability? Jennifer Earles (2019). Refinement of the Categorization of Neutron Scattering Experiments at Oak Ridge National Lab JoAnna Beck (2018). Performance-based management in the public sector. University Service 山ǿ Faculty Senate Student Affairs Committee, 2021-Present Adult Learning Taskforce, 2021-Present Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Fellowship Liaison, 2019-Present Political Science Department Recruitment and Retention Committee, 2016-Present Bachelors of Professional Studies Advisory Board, 2016-present Serve on the Graduate Council, 2018-Present Advisor to the MPA Society, 2018-present University Strategic Planning Committee, 2019-2020 COVID 19 Academic Affairs Reopening Committee, 2020 Innovation and Facilitation Consultant Search Committee, 2016-2017 Student Development Program Coordinator Search Committee, 2016 Political Science Department New Program Development Committee, 2015-2017 College Achievement Program Coordinator, 2014-2017 Liberal Arts Deans Search Committee, 2015-2016 Faculty Advisor to the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority 2014-2018 Faculty Senate committee on Economic Benefits, 2014-2017 Graduate Survey Committee, 2014 Advisor to the Political Science Society 2013-2018 DePaul University Faculty Council Committee on Research Policy, 2012-2013 Local Review Board Alternate, 2012-2013 Chinese Studies Advisory Board, 2012-2013 Masters of Public Service Program Committee, 2012-2013 Masters of Nonprofit Management Program Committee, 2012-2013 Indiana University ONeill School COVID-19 Reopening Committee, 2020 Deans Teaching Enhancement Committee, 2010-2011 Deans Advisory Board, 2010-2011 Association of SPEA PhD Students, Outreach Coordinator & President, 2008-2011 Association of SPEA PhD Students, Conference Committee Research Awards Chair, 2007-2009 University of Missouri-Columbia Student Life Assessment Committee, Co-Chair, 2003-2005 Sub-Committee on Academic Integrity Policy, 2002-2004 College of Student Affairs Assessment Committee, 2002-2004 Leadership Residential College Advisory Board, 2002-2005 Professional Development Committee, Co-Chair, 2003 Student Life Professional Development Committee, 2002-2003 Catholic Faculty and Staff Association, 2002-2004 University of Maryland Vice-Presidents Commission on Citizenship, 2001-2002 Alcohol Free Coalition/ Alcohol Abatement Coalition, 2000-2002 Counseling and Personnel Department Curriculum Committee, 2000-2002 Xavier University Peer Review Board (minor infractions), 1998 Judicial Committee (major infractions), 1997 Civic and Professional Association Membership Association for Research on Non Profit and Voluntary Action, 2009-present International Leadership Association, 2002-2005, 2013-2016 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, 2009-2011 Knights of Columbus, 2003-Present Girl Scouts USA, Lifetime Member Academy of Management, 2008-2011 National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs, 2002-2005 American College Personnel Association, 2000-2005 Sigma Phi Epsilon, Lifetime Member National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, 2001- 2002 National Associate of Student Affairs Administrators, 2001-2002 Associate of Fraternity Advisors, Member, 2001-2002 Extended Community Service Experiences Vanderburgh County Community Foundation, Grant Review Committee, 2015-Present Easterseals, Board Member, 2022-Present Marian Educational Outreach, Board Member, Board President 2018-2022; 2016-Present Holy Rosary School Board, 2016-Present; Secretary, 2016-2018; President 2018-2019 Youth Resources Teenpower Adult Advisor and Teen Advisory Board Advisor, 2015-present Memorial High School Board of Trustees, Member, 2016-2020 Evansville Chamber of Commerce Nonprofit Coalition, Steering Committee Member, 2015-2019 Memorial High School, Annual Fund Chair, 2015-2016 Chamber of Commerce Latino Alliance Consultant, 2016 Holy Rosary Merger Sub-Committee, 2015 Memorial High School, Institutional Advancement Committee, 2013-present Holy Rosary Capital Campaign Committee, 2013-2015 Court Appointed Special Advocates Inc of Monroe County, Vice President Board of Trustees, 2008-2011 Peace Corps volunteer, 2005-2007 Community Hospice volunteer, 2002-2005 Better Basics reading tutor in Birmingham Public Schools, 2000 Read to kindergarten and first grade students weekly in Birmingham Public Schools, 2000 Neighborhood Services, Inc. & Greater Birmingham Ministries Community Organizer, 1999-2000 Cincinnati Association for the Blind Intern, 1998 Honors and Awards ONeill School of Public and Environmental Affairs Outstanding Teaching by Adjunct Faculty, 2019 Youth Resources Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award, 2019 Syracuse University E-PARCC Teaching Case and Simulation Competition winner honorable mention, 2017 山ǿ Foundation Outstanding Teaching by New Faculty, 2015-2016 DePaul University, Teaching and Learning Certificate, 2013 ARNOVA Paper of the Year Nominee, 2012 Syracuse University E-PARCC Teaching Case and Simulation Competition winner- honorable mention, 2011 Selected to attend the Institute on Qualitative and Mixed Method Research at Syracuse University, 2010 Selected to the Academy of Management Public and Non Profit Division Doctoral Symposium. 2009 Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs Best Paper in Philanthropic Studies, 2009 Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs Fellowship, 2007 Honorary Inductee National Residence Hall Honorary, 2005 Honorary Inductee National Society of Collegiate Scholars, 2003 Excellence in Education Nominee, 2003 McEwen Award for Research in Student Affairs, 2002 Omicron Delta Kappa, Leadership Honor Society, 2001 Outstanding Advisor, Greek Homecoming, 2000 Xavier University Board of Trustees Excellence in Leadership Award 1999 Loyola Medal for Campus Ministry, 1999 Gold X-Key Leadership Award, 1999 Alpha Sigma Nu, President: Jesuit Honor Society, 1998 Finance Executives Institute: Outstanding Finance Student, 1998 Beta Gamma Sigma: Finance Honors Society, 1998 Omicron Delta Epsilon: Economics Honor Society, 1998 Silver X-key Leadership Award, 1997 Board of Trustees Scholarship, 1995     PAGE  Trent A. 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