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All Core 39 Course Petitions should be completed in the online Curriculog form found in My缅北强奸. All petitions for the Embedded Experiences, Ways of Knowing, and BA/BS courses will use the same form.

The form has four parts that you will need to complete. All information must be entered into the Curriculog form on My缅北强奸. Petitions that do not have this information on the Curriculog form will be returned to the originator.

PART 1: Course Information

Fall Semesters only
Spring Semesters only
Both Fall and Spring Semesters
Other: Please describe
PREREQUISITE(S): If you are submitting a Writing Intensive Course, you must include ENG 201 as a prerequisite.

PART 2: Selection of the Academic Focus(es) that apply to the course:

Note: Any individual course can only be put into one Ways of Knowing category and one embedded category, or else the writing embedded category and one other embedded category (Approved by University Core Curriculum Committee in Spring 2020 and endorsed by Faculty Senate September 11, 2020)


Bachelor of Arts/Sciences: World Languages
Bachelor of Arts/Sciences: Natural Science with Lab
Bachelor of Science: Natural Science
Bachelor of Science: Social Science
Bachelor of Science: World Languages and Culture

WAYS OF KNOWING COURSES: You must pick both a subcategory and a WOK outcome from the list below.

Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning
Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
Ways of Knowing: Outcome 1
Ways of Knowing: Outcome 2
Ways of Knowing: Outcome 3
Ways of Knowing: Outcome 4


Embedded Experiences: Diversity
Embedded Experiences: Global
Embedded Experiences: Writing Intensive

PART 3: Documentation. Attach to your application in Curriculog.

Explanation: An explanation of how the course meets the outcomes for each category selected.

For courses that are in the Ways of Knowing category, please explain how this course meets the Ways of Knowing outcome selected above and how it meets the objectives for your subcategory.
For courses in the Bachelor of Arts/Sciences category only (you are not petitioning into a Ways of Knowing category), please explain which WOK subcategory you will be using for assessment purposes.聽 The Core 39 Implementation Task Force aligned goals and learning objectives of the Bachelor of Arts/Sciences categories to the related Ways of Knowing Categories (2014 Report).聽 For that reason, the Core Curriculum Committee has not historically approved petitions unless

  • Natural Science & Natural Science with a Lab is assessed using one of the Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry rubrics.
  • Social Science is assessed using the Social Inquiry rubric.
  • World Language & World Languages and Culture are assessed using the World Languages and Culture rubric.

The Course Syllabus: The syllabus must identify which CORE 39 category or categories it fulfills.

Key Assignment(s): The key assignment must fit the common assessment rubric for the category/outcome you have selected. Rubrics can be found on the CORE 39 website. Contact your CCAF if you need assistance.

NOTE: If your key assignment is a multiple-choice test, you must include 3 questions for each item listed on the common assessment rubric(s) for your categories.
PREFERENCE: In order to simply the assessment process, please consider using ONE key assignment that is keyed the appropriate rubric(s).

PART 4: Read and indicate that you understand the following information:

I understand that my course will be placed into a three-year assessment rotation. The course will be assessed one time during this period. The assessment will be for all academic focuses that have been selected for the course.

I understand that all artifacts and rubrics will be stored in the Tk20 system for accreditation purposes.

I will attend the assessment and Tk20 training sessions in the semester prior to assessing this course for the first time.

FOR WAYS OF KNOWING COURSES ONLY: I understand that I will be required to develop a key assignment (or modify my existing key assignment) to fit the subcategory rubrics.

FOR BA/BS COURSES ONLY: I understand that I will be required to develop a key assignment to fit the new WOK subcategory rubrics.