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The purpose of documentation is to:

  • establish that the student has a disability
  • assist the student and Disability Resources personnel in determining what accommodations would be reasonable
  • identify situations in which accommodations may be necessary to assure access
  • assist in making a logical connection between the disability and the requested accommodations

It is the responsibility of the student to provide information which verifies that the student's condition meets the definition of a disability as defined by applicable laws (i.e., Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008). Federal Law requires that requests for services for students with disabilities be considered on an individual, case-by-case basis.

Documentation - General Information

Sources of information used for determining a disability and/or accommodations may include a combination of the following: documentation from qualified evaluators or professionals, medical records, school records that show a history of accommodations related to functional limitations, student’s self-report and direct observation and interaction with the student.

The documentation should provide information on how the disability currently affects the student in day to day life as well as in an academic setting so that effective accommodations can be identified. Common sources of documentation are health care providers, psychologists, diagnosticians, and/or information from a previous school that includes a psychological evaluation (e.g., accommodation agreements/letters, 504, IEP, or SOP documents). Documentation must be submitted by a qualified practitioner who is not a family member of the student.

Students seeking to register an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) should email our office at usi1disres@usi.edu to request the required form.

Required Documentation - 7 Elements:

  1. Typed on letterhead, dated, and signed by a qualified professional.
  2. Diagnostic statement with any related diagnostic methodology including whether this rises to the level of a disability. (A diagnosis alone is not sufficient documentation.)
  3. Statement addressing the impact the diagnosis and/or treatment may have on this student in an academic setting.
  4. Severity and/or expected progression.
  5. Current medication(s) and any related side-effects. (if applicable)
  6. Current and/or past accommodations. (if applicable)

Please use the Verification of Disability form. Print out the Verification of Disability form and provide it to your physician and/or evaluator when requesting documentation. If you have any questions about documentation that is requested, please contact the Office of Disability Resources at 812-464-1961.

When and How to Submit Documentation

Please don't delay meeting with the Office of Disability Resources out of concern for not having sufficient documentation. Call 812-464-1961 to schedule an appointment. During our meeting we will determine what documentation may be needed and try to assist you in getting it.

Disability Resources will consider all relevant information provided in documentation. Documentation will be reviewed on an individual, case-by-case basis in the order that it was received. Please submit your information at least 30 days prior to the date that services are needed. If you will require any accommodations that may involve securing services or materials from others outside the university such as: sign language interpreters, books in audio format or specialized housing requests, please submit your documentation at least 60 days prior to the date that services are needed.

Send materials to:

Disability Resources 
8600 University Blvd
Evansville, IN 47712

If you will be requesting accommodations on your placement exams please have your documentation submitted 30 days prior to your orientation date.

All documentation should be submitted in person or delivered via mail at the address above. Documentation may also be faxed to 812-464-1935. Once the submitted documentation has been reviewed, you will be contacted to schedule an intake meeting.

You are welcome to set up a meeting with a Disability Resources Coordinator and bring your documentation with you at that time. After the meeting your documentation will be reviewed. After review, you will be contacted to set up a meeting to finalize an accommodation plan. Call 812-464-1961 or email usi1disres@usi.edu to schedule an appointment.

Ã山ǿ¼é Disability Resources reserves the right to request additional information or evaluation.

Accommodation Requests for Other Universities and Testing Agencies

It should be noted that documentation policies differ from one institution to another. Other colleges and universities may require more extensive external documentation of disability. Additionally, testing agencies, which administer standardized tests such as the GRE, CASA, NCLEX …. often have strict documentation guidelines. The student is responsible for researching those documentation policies and should investigate requirements at least six months prior to an anticipated start date or test date.