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Contractor Safety Manual

The contractor safety manual of the 缅北强奸 serves as a guideline for contractors to follow while performing work at the University.

Contractors are expected to monitor the safety of the job site, and implement their own safety programs. Contractors are also expected to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and follow safe work practices as outlined in this manual.


Purpose Statement:

To provide contractors with a clear and concise understanding of the safety requirements and responsibilities while working on The 缅北强奸's property as well as to reduce exposures that cause personal injury, property damage and liability losses due to construction, renovation and demolition of University-owned buildings and facilities.

1.0 Objectives

The major objectives of the Contractor Safety Program are to:

  • Inform contractors of their responsibilities when working on University property.
  • Protect employees, students, visitors, property and the environment from potential hazards.
  • Comply with all federal, state and local safety and environmental regulations.

2.0 Responsibilities

2.1 Contractor Responsibilities

  • Contractors are expected to implement their own environmental health and safety programs.
  • Prior to starting a project, each contractor is required to review the work site and identify hazards that may occur while performing the job.
  • The contractor shall ensure proper environmental health and safety precautions are followed in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
  • The contractor shall ensure individuals working at the site are trained and are aware of potential hazards. Contractors shall also ensure that these individuals are provided with proper safety equipment to prevent accidental injury in accordance with OSHA's CFR.
  • The contractor shall ensure all personnel follow the guidelines of OSHA, EPA and the University's policies, in addition to any guidelines of the jurisdiction(s) in which the operations will be performed.

2.2 缅北强奸 Project Manager Responsibilities

  • Ensure contractors are aware of their responsibilities under the 缅北强奸 Contractor Safety Program.
  • Ensure contractors have their own Environmental Health and Safety programs in place in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
  • Ensure all potential work-site hazards are addressed in the pre-construction planning process.
  • Notify Environmental Health and Safety of the project nature and duration prior to the start of planned work activities.
  • Notify Environmental Health and Safety of any new developments in the project potentially affecting site environmental health and safety hazards.

3.0 Contractor Insurance Requirements

Prior to start of work, not over seven (7) days after an award of construction contract and for the duration of the project the following minimum insurance coverage shall be maintained by the contractor and any subcontractors working on the project. 缅北强奸 withholds the right to increase coverage requirements based on project specifications, duration and potential loss.

Statutory Worker's Compensation Insurance complying with the requirements of the statutes of the jurisdiction(s) in which the operations will be performed, covering all employees of the contractor.

Employer's liability Insurance coverage with limits of not less than $1 million for each accident or illness shall be included.

Comprehensive General Liability Insurance covering the liability of the contractor with respect to all operations to be performed and all obligations assumed by the contractor under the terms of this agreement. Products & Completed Operations, independent contractors, contractual liability and property damage liability (arising out of the so called "XCU" hazards) coverages are to be included. 缅北强奸 shall be named as an additional insured with respect to the operations to be performed. Coverage under this policy or policies shall have combined single limits of not less than $2 million per occurrence. Liability insurance shall be long-term occurrence coverage, claims-made coverage will not be accepted.

Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance covering the liability of the contractor arising out of the use of ANY VEHICLES which bear or are required to bear license plates according to the laws of the jurisdiction in which the are to be operated and which are not covered under the contractor's commercial general liability insurance. 缅北强奸 shall be named as an additional insured with respect to the operations to be performed. Coverage under this policy shall have not less than $1 million per occurrence. In the event the contractor or its transporter are removing and disposing of any hazardous materials or wastes off the jobsite, a MCS-90 endorsement shall be added to this policy and the combined single limits are to be increased to $5 million per occurrence.

The required insurance must be written by insurance companies licensed to do business in the jurisdiction(s) where the work is being performed. The contractor shall require all subcontractors to carry the insurance required herein. A certificate of insurance evidencing the placement of the required insurance must be provided to 缅北强奸 prior to the start of work. A copy of the policy itself shall be provided if requested by 缅北强奸. Cancellation or reduction in coverage or any restrictions or limitations on the coverage will not be permitted. An umbrella or excess liability insurance policy may be used, in combination with the commercial general liability and automobile liability policies, in order to meet the specified minimum liability limits. All applicable deductibles shall be the responsibility of the contractor to pay in the event of a loss.

Indemnification - The contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless 缅北强奸 from any and all suits, actions and claims by its employees who suffer personal injury while on the premises of 缅北强奸 provided such injuries are not caused by the sole negligence of 缅北强奸. The contractor shall also defend, indemnify and hold harmless 缅北强奸 from any and all suits, actions and claims by third-parties who suffer personal injury and/or property damage caused by the negligence or fault of the contractor, its employees and/or its subcontractors. The contractor shall be responsible for any damage to 1) the contractor's property while on 缅北强奸 property, 2) 缅北强奸 property under construction by the contractor and 3) 缅北强奸 property caused by the negligence or fault of the contractor, its employees and/or subcontractors.

4.0 Hazard Information

  • Prior to the start of the project, the contractor shall contact Physical Plant to ensure that they have received pertinent information for the project including permits, floor plans and utility information.
  • The contractor shall be responsible for the removal and/or disposal of hazardous waste generated from the project. Hazardous waste generated from the project must be removed and disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local regulations and the University's hazardous waste management plan (HWMP). Environmental Health and Safety is available to address any related hazardous waste concerns and must be consulted prior to the removal of any hazardous waste from University property.

All contractors performing inspections, construction and repairs at the University are to comply with the requirements of this manual. Failure to adhere to these requirements may result in an immediate shutdown of the work site and a breach of contract with the University.


To inform contractors of their responsibilities under the University's Asbestos Management Program, in order to prevent the unintentional disturbance of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM).


University buildings built pre-1980 are assumed to contain asbestos until proven otherwise by Environmental Health and Safety. Types of ACM found in University buildings include:

  • Thermal system insulation (pipe, boiler, breaching, fume-hoods)
  • Fireproofing (spray-applied insulation, fire doors)
  • Compounds (caulking, mastics, adhesives, plaster, joint compound)
  • Flooring (vinyl floor tile, sheet goods, resilient)
  • Textiles (cloth, rope, fire curtains)
  • Cementitious (counter tops, chalk boards, roofing and siding shingles)
  • Acoustical (ceiling and wall tile)


Before undertaking any projects of repair, renovation or construction that may impact asbestos, contractors shall:

  • Request from the project manager the location of asbestos containing building materials in the work area.
  • Ensure all work is compliant with all applicable federal, state and local regulations.
  • Understand if a suspect material is encountered, they should immediately stop work and notify Environmental Health and Safety.
  • In the event that asbestos is impacted, take all necessary precautions to protect University employees, students and visitors from the exposure to asbestos fibers or contamination.
  • Make certain that their employees and subcontractors have had the appropriate level of awareness training as required by OSHA.
  • If negative exposure assessments are mutually agreed upon, the contractor will perform the evaluation and provide their employees with the appropriate personal protection.
  • Contact the project manager and/or Environmental Health and Safety at 812 465-5393 with any questions regarding asbestos.
  • Conduct air monitoring as required and provide copies of results to 缅北强奸 contact.


OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1001, Toxic and Hazardous Substances; OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101, Asbestos Construction; DOT 49 CFR 171-172, Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulation; EPA 40 CFR 61, Subpart M, NESHAP; The Evansville area Asbestos Rule and any other applicable regulations.


Contractors will be responsible for complying with the above guidelines and for communicating the information to their employees and subcontractors. This includes the implementation of policies and procedures. All work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Barricading and Fencing


To inform contractors of their responsibility to maintain a safe and accessible path-of-travel for all pedestrians, including those with disabilities, around and/or through construction sites. Barricades act as warning devices, alerting others of the hazards created by construction activities and should be used to control traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian, safely through or around the work site.


While barricades shall be used wherever necessary for the physical protection of people or property, the following is a list of activities where their use may be required:

  • Wherever construction debris is dropped without the use of an enclosed chute,
  • Areas with temporary wiring operating at more than 600 volts.
  • Work areas for electrical equipment with exposed, energized parts.
  • The swing radius of the rotating superstructure of cranes or other equipment.
  • Wherever equipment is left unattended near a roadway at night.
  • Excavations.
  • Areas used for the preparation of explosive charges or blasting operations.
  • Street openings, such as manholes.
  • Construction areas in energized electrical substations.

The contractor shall:

  • Erect and maintain for the duration of the contract proper barricades including fencing material, traffic cones, A- frames, caution tape and temporary curb ramps complying with all access codes and regulations at all closed crosswalks and existing closed curb ramps.
  • Obtain all applicable permits required by the regulations.
  • Furnish, erect and maintain all necessary signs, barricades, lighting, fencing, bridging and flaggers that conform to the requirements set forth by OSHA.
  • Ensure that no construction materials be stored and/or placed on the path-of travel.
  • Maintain the construction barriers in a sound, neat and clean condition.
  • Not occupy public sidewalks except where pedestrian protection is provided. The contractor shall not obstruct free and convenient approach to any fire hydrant, alarm box or utility box.
  • Remove barriers and enclosures upon completion of the work, in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and to the satisfaction of the owner.
  • Provide protection for pedestrians consistent with all local and federal codes, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart G - Signs, Signals and Barricades; OSHA 29 CFR 1926 - Demolition; OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart K - Electrical; OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart N - Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators and Conveyors; OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart 0 - Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment and Marine Operations; OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P - Excavations; OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart U - Blasting and Use of Explosives; OSHA 29 CFR 1910 General Industry and any other applicable regulations.


Contractors will be responsible for complying with the above guidelines and for communicating the information to their employees and subcontractors. This includes the implementation of policies and procedures. All work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Confined Space Entry


To inform contractors of their responsibilities when performing confined space entry activities at the University. Workers must be protected from toxic, explosive or asphyxiating atmospheres and from engulfment when working in and around confined spaces.


Types of confined space entries include, but are not limited to: Telecommunication manholes, HVAC systems, manholes, steam manholes, crawlspaces, boilers, injector pits, tanks and water-meter manholes.


The contractor shall:

  • Identify permit-required confined spaces.
  • Evaluate each confined space for the following:
    • Presence of explosive gases equal to or greater than 10% of lower explosive limit (LEL). *
    • Oxygen deficiency and oxygen enriched atmospheres
    • Concentrations of carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide.
    • Electric shock, burns, walking/working surfaces, heat stress, noise hazards and/or any other recognized hazard.
  • Control potential hazards with the following measures:
    • Mechanical - Use proper lockout/tagout procedures when needed to prevent hazards within the confined space.
    • Ventilation - If exposed to harmful vapors or an oxygen deficient atmosphere exists; a ventilation fan shall be used for the duration of the job.
    • Slips and Falls - Use caution if shoes and /or ladders are wet or oily. Inspect shoes prior to entry.
    • Burns and Heat Stress - The use of a ventilation fan will provide cooler temperatures. Use caution around hot equipment and avoid overexertion within the space. Take frequent breaks if needed.
    • To prevent an explosion, do not use equipment that may cause flame or sparks in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere.
    • Personal protective equipment (goggles, gloves, dust mask, respirator) shall be worn when a potential hazard exists.
  • Obtain any available information about permit space hazards and entry operations from Environmental Health and Safety.
  • Evaluate and monitor confined space hazards.
  • Coordinate entry operations when employees are working in or near the area.
  • Inform the project coordinator of entry procedures that will be followed and of any hazards identified or created.
  • Provide documentation of their company's entry procedures to Environmental Health and Safety before work begins.
  • Provide documentation that employees are trained.
  • Provide 缅北强奸 copy of confined space program


In the event of an emergency requiring entry rescue services, the attendant shall immediately CALL 7777.

Only a trained rescue team supplied by the Marrs Township Fire Department will perform emergency rescues. In the event of an emergency that requires non-entry rescue services, the attendant shall immediately call University Security at 812-464-1845.


OSHA 29 CFR 1,910.146, Permit Required Confined Spaces; OSHA 29 CFR 1926.353(b) Ventilation for Welding, Cutting and Heating and any other applicable regulations.


Contractors will be responsible for complying with the above guidelines and for communicating the information to their employees and subcontractors. This includes the implementation of policies and procedures. All work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

缅北强奸 shall:

  • Inform contractor that work will involve a confined space
  • Verify that contract has confined space program and that contractor鈥檚 employees are trained

Indoor Environmental Quality


To inform contractors of their responsibility to minimize the impact construction-related activities have on indoor environmental quality at the University.


Many construction-related activities generate and disperse contaminants that adversely impact indoor environmental quality.

  • Sanding and grinding: Dust, fibers & particulates
  • Roofing: Coal tar pitch volatiles
  • Flooring, painting: Volatile organic compounds
  • Welding and cutting: Lead, carbon monoxide, ozone
  • Demolition: Asbestos
  • Jack-hammering: Noise, vibration


Prior to performing construction-related activities including repair projects, contractors shall eliminate or minimize any potential contaminant/physical agent exposures by implementing the following procedures:

  • Maintain good housekeeping habits to contain dust and construction debris. Use a HEPA filtered vacuum to minimize re-circulation of contaminants.
  • Implement engineering controls, such as dilution or local exhaust ventilation and isolation of mechanical systems.
  • Install critical barriers made of polyethylene sheeting on doors, windows, vents, etc. in order to isolate the specific work area.
  • To minimize dust, use wet methods when appropriate.
  • Have trained employees and approved equipment on site prior to performing work.
  • Conduct work activities in a safe manner.
  • Use the least toxic material suitable for the application (for example, latex paint rather than oil-based)
  • Communicate with University project manager to implement effective strategies (for example, working off hours) to minimize occupant exposure.
  • Relocate sources of contamination (for example, a diesel generator or tar kettle) away from the building air intake.

The current regulatory permissible exposure limits (PELs) as set by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration and any other applicable regulations.


Contractors will be responsible for complying with the above guidelines and for communicating the information to their employees and subcontractors. This includes the implementation of policies and procedures. All work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.



To inform contractors of their responsibilities when performing lockout/tagout activities at the University to ensure all persons potentially affected by de-energizing or re-energizing of building systems are properly protected and notified


Hazardous energy must be isolated or "locked and tagged out" before servicing and/or maintenance activities are performed. The following types of hazardous energies are typically found at the University:

  • Electrical
  • Pneumatic
  • Mechanical
  • Thermal
  • Hydraulic
  • Chemical


The contractor is responsible for the following at the University:

  • Having a lockout/tagout program prior to performing work.
  • Having trained employees prior to performing work.
  • Understanding and complying with the University's lockout program.
  • Informing Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) if their program deviates from the University's program.
  • Coordinating with University representatives prior to performing lockout/tagout activities.
  • Providing their own lockout/tagout equipment that meet OSHA standards.
  • Performing lockout/tagout activities in accordance with OSHA standards.
  • Knowing that copies of the University's program are available in Environmental Health and Safety
  • Following special procedures for jobs requiring multiple lockout devices and those involving shift or personnel changes.


OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147, The Control of Hazardous Energy; OSHA 29 CFR 1926.417, Locking and tagging of circuits and any other applicable regulations.


Contractors will be responsible for complying with the above guidelines and for communicating the information to their employees and subcontractors. This includes the implementation of policies and procedures. All work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.