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Contact 缅北强奸

What to Expect

What if I get in trouble?
When a student is alleged to have violated policies found in the聽Student Rights and Responsibilities: A Code of Student Behavior聽or specific policies related to housing, they are subject to the administrative policies and processes as outlined in the Housing/Food Service Contract as well as the聽Student Rights and Responsibilities: A Code of Student Behavior. This process includes an administrative hearing with a hearing officer. The resident and the hearing officer will discuss the incident that occurred, and it will be decided if the student is responsible for the charges. If found responsible, then the incident will be assigned a sanction. Please refer to the Dean of Students鈥櫬犅爁or more resources and information.

I have a Notice of Administrative Hearing. What does that mean?
It means that you are alleged to have been involved in a violation of one or more 缅北强奸 policies and that you have a meeting scheduled with a hearing officer to discuss it. The letter lists the date and time of the hearing, possible policy violations, the hearing officer your meeting is with and how to contact him or her. A redacted copy of the incident report will be available at your scheduled conduct meeting. Requests for report copies must be made at least 24 hours in advance of your hearing.

What will happen to me during my Administrative Hearing?
You will meet with a hearing officer. You will be given time to review the incident report(s) and the policies you are alleged to have violated. Your hearing officer may ask you some questions and provide you the opportunity to explain the situation from your point of view. The hearing officer will consider any witnesses and supporting information you may have brought. The hearing officer will make a decision based on the information available and the University standard of "More Likely Than Not" that the violation did occur. The hearing officer will assess sanctions and/or stipulations as needed.

What are my rights?
Your rights are outlined in the聽Student Rights and Responsibilities: A Code of Student Behavior.

What sanctions do I face?
The student conduct process is meant to be an educational process for the students who go through it. Educational sanctions range from reflective papers to interactive classes that can provide a learning experience for the student. More severe violations come along with heavier sanctions, which can include suspension or expulsion from the University.聽

Am I going to be kicked out?
If you are involved in repeated policy violations, it may result in contract termination. Cases involving controlled substances or drugs, sexual misconduct, assault, parties, or theft may result in contract termination.

Will my parents be notified?
The University reserves the right to contact parents of students under the age of 21 regarding disciplinary issues. Parents will be contacted for incidents such as alcohol and controlled substances or drugs, etc. We encourage students to contact their parents in all situations.

Will this affect my financial aid or scholarship?
It might, since some financial aid or scholarships depend on a student remaining in good standing with 缅北强奸. You should contact Student Financial Assistance at 812-464-1767 with any questions you may have. Suspension, expulsion and probation are generally the sanctions capable of altering a student's 'good standing'.

How does the hearing officer make a decision?
The hearing officer collects as much information as they can and determines what occurred. The burden of proof or standard of evidence is the measure used to determine one's involvement in an incident. In order for a student to be considered 'In Violation', the hearing officer must show that a student is more likely than not responsible in a violation of a policy.

If my incident involves a violation of state or local laws, could I be prosecuted criminally and through the University conduct system?
Yes, you may. Your relationship with the University is separate from your responsibilities as a citizen. Although they may stem from the same incident, violations of state, local or federal laws are regulated by a court of law. An administrative, educational hearing adjudicates the violation of University policy. To illustrate this better, an employee who assaults a fellow employee could be fired and face criminal charges.

If I did violate the policy, can't I just lie (very sincerely) and not get in any trouble?
This is generally a bad course of action, for a few reasons. First, if it is determined that you have lied in a conduct hearing, you will face an additional charge and additional sanctions. Second, most lies do not hold up well under scrutiny, even if several people are trying to cover each other. Third, by telling the truth, you don't have to worry about keeping your story straight in the future. Ultimately, there are more long-term benefits from telling the truth and learning from the incident than from trying to cover up the incident.

What if I did nothing wrong?
Then you have nothing to worry about! So relax, attend your meeting, and tell the truth about what you know.

What if I don't attend my hearing?
A decision will be made without you. You do have the right not to attend your hearing; however, it is in your best interest to attend so you can present your view of what happened. Otherwise, the hearing officer will have to make a decision based on whatever information is available.