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The following information may be made available to the public unless a student restricts its release by written notice. Information restriction request forms are available in the Registrar's Office.

  • University directory (either online or in print):Ìýthe following information may be published by the University: name, mailing address, telephone numbers, and Ã山ǿ¼é e-mail address - unless a Ã山ǿ¼é Directory Restriction request form is filed with theÌýRegistrar's Office during the first three weeks of each fall semester.
  • General requests for student information:Ìýwhen appropriate, the following information also may be made public by the University through printed programs, news releases of awards, etc.: majors and minors, degrees, awards received, dates of attendance, most recent educational institution attended, billing address, participation in officially recognized activities or sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, Ã山ǿ¼é student ID number, classification, enrollment status. An Information Release Restriction Request form can be submitted 1) to be effective for only the single term specified, or 2) to remain in place until revoked in writing.

The submission of a student's social security number is voluntary. The University will not use the number, if supplied, for purposes other than internal record-keeping and institutional statistics, without a student's written permission.

Quick Guide to Releasing Directory Information

Only data defined as "Directory Information" may be released (when appropriate) without the expressed written permission of the student.*ÌýNo other information contained in a student's educational records may be released to persons or organizations without the student's prior written approval.

A chart below lists information that is frequently requested from student education records and indicates whether or not it is Directory Information.

When in doubt, DO NOT release information to others; consult the Registrar's Office.Ìý

Are the following items considered "Directory Information"? YES* NO
Biographic/Demographic Information Ìý Ìý
Student's full name ✓ ÌýÌý
Mailing address and telephone number (including Permanent address and phone) ✓ Ìý
Billing address ✓
Email address (eagles.usi.edu) ✓ Ìý
Date/Place of birth X
Parent's names and/or address X
Academic Information Ìý Ìý
Dates of attendance ✓ Ìý
Academic program (major/minor) ✓ Ìý
Grades, term GPA, cumulative GPA, or number of earned hours Ìý X
Academic Standing (probation, dismissal, whether student is eligible to return to school) Ìý X
Specific number of cumulative credit hours Ìý X
Classification level and type (Second Semester Freshman, First Semester Junior, etc.) ✓ Ìý
Specific number of credits enrolled for a term Ìý X
Enrollment status for previous, current, or future terms (full-time, half-time, or less than half-time) ✓ Ìý
Current class schedule Ìý X
Degrees, honors, certificates awarded ✓ Ìý
Whether student has applied for graduation ✓
Unmet degree requirements for graduation Ìý X
Prior institutions attended ✓ Ìý
Copies of transcripts from other schools or colleges Ìý X
General Information Ìý Ìý
Social Security Number Ìý X
Ã山ǿ¼é student ID number ✓
MyÃ山ǿ¼é password Ìý X
Account balance Ìý X
Financial records of parents Ìý X
Participation in officially recognized activities or sports ✓ Ìý
Weight/height of members of athletic teams ✓ Ìý
Student employment records Ìý X
Psychiatric or psychological records Ìý X
Ethnicity/race/nationality X
Gender X
Religion X

*ÌýUnless the student has submitted a Ã山ǿ¼é Directory Restriction Request or an Information Release Restriction Request form.Ìý