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Guidelines and Definitions


A student must earn a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA to graduate. Minimum acceptable progress toward this requirement is indicated by the standards for good standing.

Good Standing

Effective Fall 2013, a student whose cumulative GPA meets or exceeds the following standards is in good academic standing:

GPA 1.8 for 0-59 hours attempted*

GPA 2.0 for 60+ hours attempted*

*all courses with a computable letter grade (A through F), including failed or repeated courses.

NOTE:聽students who have been awarded any transfer credit (including dual credit) or special credit (such as AP, CLEP, departmental exam, military credit, etc.) must meet the standard which corresponds to the sum of the total transfer/special credit hours accepted and the total hours attempted at the University.

Academic Probation

Students who fail to meet the preceding minimum standards will be placed on academic probation for one semester. During that semester, the student should make use of available University resources to improve academic skills and performance. Failure to meet the preceding required GPA levels at the end of the probationary semester will result in academic dismissal.

At the discretion of departments, students on academic probation may be subject to some or all of the following requirements:

  • changes to the schedule of classes chosen during priority registration, to ensure prerequisites and necessary skill levels are in place
  • approval by academic advisor of all changes to the schedule of classes
  • limitation to 12 credit hours
  • repetition of certain classes
  • use of campus resources for academic support

These advising guidelines seek to provide maximum support and guidance during the critical period of establishing renewed academic good standing.

Academic Dismissal

A student academically dismissed may not register for credit classes at the University for a minimum of one semester, unless readmitted provisionally. Such readmission is not automatic.

Provisional Readmission

A student academically dismissed may apply for provisional readmission for one semester, according to terms of a readmission contract agreed upon by the student and the readmitting college. At the discretion of departments, students provisionally readmitted may be subject to some or all of the following requirements:

  • limitation to 12 or fewer credit hours
  • repetition of courses with grades of D or F
  • attendance at mentoring appointments
  • approval by academic advisor of all changes to the schedule of classes
  • use of campus resources for academic support

These advising guidelines seek to provide maximum support and guidance during the critical period of establishing renewed academic good standing. A provisionally readmitted student is not in good standing with the University.