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Statisticians are in high-demand

The Ã山ǿ¼é offers a bachelors degree in statistics. Students pursuing a degree in statistics will learn to convert real-world problems into testable research hypotheses and apply appropriate methodology to analyze and interpret data. Students will also learn to present statistical findings and utilize technological tools used for data analysis, including R, SAS, SPSS, and Minitab. The program will also prepare students for graduate study in statistics or other fields that utilize quantitative research methods.

Many businesses and industries seek applicants with expertise in data analytics and statistics. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the number of statisticians will grow 34% between 2016 and 2026, which is the seventh-fastest growing occupation.

Contact Ã山ǿ¼é Admissions to learn more about Ã山ǿ¼é's mathematics programs.


Completion of the B.S./B.A. in Statistics will require 120 credit hours.  In addition to the University’s Core Curriculum, statistics majors at Ã山ǿ¼é complete 48 hours of course work in the major, consisting of 18 hours in mathematics and 30 hours in statistics. The required coursework includes a capstone project where students will complete a data investigation in consultation with a faculty member. The full curriculum is listed below.

Required Courses

MATH 230– Calculus I (4)
MATH 235 – Calculus II (4)
MATH 335 – Calculus III (4)
MATH 362 – Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 438 – Theory of Probability (3)
STAT 241 – Principles of Statistics (3)
STAT 255 – Introduction to Statistical Computing (3)
STAT 265 – Applied Regression Analysis (3)
STAT 365 – Design & Analysis of Experiments (3)
STAT 441 – Mathematical Statistics (3)
STAT 451 – Sampling Theory & Applications (3)
STAT 475 – Time Series (3)
STAT 495 – Capstone Project in Statistics (3)

Elective Courses (Choose two elective courses in statistics):

STAT 261 – Applied Nonparametric Statistics (3)
STAT 355 – Data Mining (3)
STAT 381 – Categorical Data Analysis (3)
STAT 448 – Stochastic Processes (3)
STAT 467 – Multivariate Statistics (3)

Course Schedule

Fall 2021 Spr 2022 Sum 2022 Fall 2022 Spr 2023 Sum 2023 Fall 2023 Spr 2024 Sum 2024 Fall 2024 Spr 2025 Sum 2025 Fall 2025 Spr 2026
STAT 241  X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
STAT 255 X X X X X
STAT 261 X X
STAT 265 X X X X X
STAT 355 X X
STAT 365 X X X
STAT 381 X X
STAT 441 X X X X X
STAT 448 X X
STAT 451 X X X
STAT 467 X
STAT 475 X X
STAT 495 X X X X X
  • Course offered both fall and spring semesters is STAT 241.
  • Course offered most every fall is STAT 265.
  • Courses offered most every spring are STAT 255, STAT 441 and STAT 495.
  • STAT 261  (even falls) will be offered in alternating fall semesters.
  • STAT 365 (even springs), STAT 381 (odd springs), STAT 451 (even springs) and STAT 475 (odd springs) will be offered in alternating spring semesters.
  • STAT 355, STAT 448, and STAT 467 will be offered irregularly, usually in the fall semesters.