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Policy Regarding Incomplete

The designation IN (incomplete) may be used in special circumstances. An incomplete grade (IN) may be given only at the end of a term to student whose work is passing, but who has left unfinished a small amount of work, for example, a final examination, a paper or a term project which may be completed without further class attendance. The student must act to remove the IN grade within one calendar year. If action is not taken, the IN grade will revert to an "F." In the event the instructor from whom a student receives an incomplete is not available, the disposition of a case involving an incomplete grade resides with the appropriate dean.

  1. All University policies regarding incomplete are applicable to nursing courses. Refer to the .
  2. Students are allowed to continue to other nursing classes if the incomplete class is not a prerequisite requirement or a clinical course (NURS 457, NURS 487 and NURS 492).
  3. The student should work with the course faculty and their academic advisor to adjust the plan of study to allow completion of course work.
  4. Students will work with course faculty to develop a timeline for incomplete work. A contract will be signed by the student and the faculty with a copy being placed in the student file.