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Fall 2017


is an associate professor of ceramics at the University ofÌýSouthern Indiana. She exhibits both regionally and nationally, and dedicatesÌýtime each fall to oversee and facilitate Empty Bowls, Evansville which uses clayÌýto annually raise $8000-10,000 for the undernourished in Southern Indiana.

Norman D. Holen was a professor of art for forty years, thirty-eight of whichÌýwere at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He creates sculpture,Ìýdrawings, and pottery and has been in numerous exhibitions, including one-personÌýexhibitions in the Little Gallery and Kresge Gallery at the MinneapolisÌýInstitute of Arts. His group exhibitions include shows at the National Gallery inÌýWashington, D.C. and the Port of History Museum in Philadelphia.


is a poet, writer, and cultural critic from Columbus, Ohio.ÌýHe is the author of poetry collection The Crown Ain’t Worth Much and the essayÌýcollection They Can’t Kill Us Until They Kill Us. His poetry has been published inÌýMuzzle, VINYL, PEN American, and various other journals, and his essays andÌýmusic criticism have appeared in The New York Times, The FADER, and Pitchfork.ÌýAbdurraqib is currently a columnist at MTV News.

is an Arizona native. Her debut collection, From the InsideÌýQuietly, is the inaugural winner of the Shelterbelt Poetry Prize selected by AdaÌýLimón. She is the author of three chapbooks and has poems and translationsÌýforthcoming in Poetry, Diode, Vinyl, and more. Amezcua is the founder and editorÌýof The Shallow Ends: A Journal of Poetry.

is a Lebanese-American poet whose debut poetry collection SetÌýto Music a Wildfire won the 2016 Michael Waters Poetry Prize from SIR Press.ÌýShe is the recipient of a 2016 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award,Ìýthe 2012 and 2013 Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prize, and the 2011 CopperÌýNickel Poetry Prize. Her work has appeared in New Republic, The Missouri Review,ÌýCALYX, Nashville Review, The Adroit Journal, and elsewhere.

is the author of You Must Remember This, which receivedÌýthe 2014 Lindquist & Vennum Prize for Poetry, and The Interrogation. He is alsoÌýthe translator of The Popul Vuh, the first English verse translation of the MayanÌýcreation epic, forthcoming from Milkweed Editions. His poems have appeared inÌýnumerous publications, including Ploughshares, The Sun, Massachusetts Review,ÌýPleiades, and Best New Poets. A longtime faculty member at The Blake School,ÌýBazzett is a 2017 National Endowment for the Arts Fellow. He lives in Minneapolis.

Annah Browning lives in Chicago, where she recently completed her PhD inÌýthe Program for Writers at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Her poems haveÌýappeared or are forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, The Kenyon Review Online,ÌýVerse Daily, Painted Bride Quarterly, The Southeast Review, Willow Springs, and otherÌýjournals, and have received awards and recognition from Boulevard, IndianaÌýReview, Blue Mesa Review, and Vermont Studio Center. She is poetry editor ofÌýGrimoire, an online literary magazine of dark arts.

is originally from Iowa, and currently lives in Texas.ÌýHer recent work can be found in Cream City Review, Indiana Review, Guernica,ÌýThe Paris-American, Sonora Review, Devil’s Lake, and Crab Orchard Review, amongÌýother places. She enjoys spending time with her husband, wrangling her cat, andÌýfollowing Stevie Nicks around the country.

is a poet from Youngsville, North Carolina. He is winner of theÌý2017 APR/Honickman First Book Prize for his book River Hymns. Daye is a 2017ÌýRuth Lilly finalist and Cave Canem fellow and longtime member of the editorialÌýstaff at Raleigh Review. He received his MFA in poetry from North Carolina StateÌýUniversity. Daye’s work has been published in Prairie Schooner and NashvilleÌýReview and is forthcoming in Ploughshares. He recently won the Amy ClampittÌýResidency for 2018 and The Glenna Luschei Prairie Schooner Award.

is the author of four collections of poetry, Names Above Houses;ÌýFurious Lullaby; Requiem for the Orchard, winner of the Akron Prize for poetryÌýchosen by Martìn Espada; and Post Subject: A Fable. He co-chairs the advisoryÌýboard of Kundiman, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion ofÌýAsian American Poetry, and serves on the Association of Writers and WritingÌýPrograms Board of Trustees. His work has appeared in Virginia Quarterly Review,ÌýNorth American Review, and Tin House, and in anthologies such as Asian AmericanÌýPoetry: The Next Generation. He teaches at the College of the Holy Cross and inÌýthe low-residency MFA program at Pacific Lutheran University.

Brionne Janae is a California native and teaching artist living in Brooklyn,ÌýNew York. She is a recipient of the 2016 St. Botolph Emerging Artist Award,Ìýa Hedgebrook alum, and proud Cave Canem fellow. Her poetry has been publishedÌýor is forthcoming in The Cincinnati Review, Waxwing, The American Poetry Review,Ìýand Rattle, among others. Brionne’s first full-length collection of poetry, AfterÌýJubilee, was selected for publication by Dorianne Laux and published by Boaat Press.

is the author of BESTIARY, winner of the 2015 Cave CanemÌýPoetry Prize, long listed for the 2016 National Book Award, and a finalist for aÌý2017 Lambda Literary Award, and the chapbook AVIARIUM. A Cave CanemÌýgraduate fellow, she received her MFA in writing from the Michener Center forÌýWriters and a PhD in English from Vanderbilt University. Kelly is an assistantÌýprofessor at St. Bonaventure University, where she teaches creative writing.

is the author of Love, an Index and The Logan Notebooks,Ìýwinner of the 2015 Utah Book Award. She’s been awarded an Amy LowellÌýfellowship, a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Grant, a Fine Arts WorkÌýCenter in Provincetown Fellowship, a Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prize,Ìýand residency grants from the MacDowell Arts Colony and the Sewanee WritersÌýConference. Her poetry, lyric essays, and criticism appear in The Believer, Poetry,ÌýMcSweeney’s Quarterly, American Poetry Review, Iowa Review, and elsewhere.ÌýLindenberg is a member of the poetry faculty at the University of Cincinnati.

is the authorÌýof a number of books, including, most recently,ÌýPictures at an Exhibition and Sand Opera. His work has appeared in Best AmericanÌýPoetry and has garnered the Lannan Literary Fellowship, two NEA fellowships,Ìýthe Thomas J. Watson Fellowship, six Ohio Arts Council grants, the BeatriceÌýHawley Award, the Anne Halley Prize, the Arab American Book Award, andÌýthe Cleveland Arts Prize. Metres teaches literature and creative writing at JohnÌýCarroll University in Cleveland, Ohio.

most recent book, Primitive Mood, won the T. S. Eliot Award fromÌýTruman State University Press. He lives and writes in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Ìý

is the author of the debut poetry collection Big Windows,Ìýforthcoming from Carnegie Mellon University Press in February 2018. Her poemsÌýhave appeared in the anthologies Best New Poets and Women Write Resistance andÌýin such magazines as Copper Nickel, Narrative, FIELD, and Pleiades. She has beenÌýa fellow at Yaddo and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and a recipientÌýof an artist’s grant from the Money for Women/Barbara Deming Memorial Fund.ÌýMoseley lives in Durham, North Carolina.

Amy O’Reilly’s poetry has appeared in Sugar House Review, Cimarron Review,Ìýand Little Patuxent Review. She is a graduate of the MFA program in creativeÌýwriting at Creighton University. O’Reilly lives in Omaha, Nebraska, with herÌýhusband and son.

John Poch’s poems have recently appeared in The Nation, Poetry, Yale Review,Ìýand other journals.

Sheila Sanderson is a rural Kentucky native who now lives in the high desertÌýmountains of Arizona and teaches at Prescott College. She also serves as editorÌýfor Alligator Juniper. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in journals such asÌýAlaska Quarterly Review, Crazyhorse, North American Review, and Southern PoetryÌýReview, as well as in anthologies Language Lessons and One for the Money: TheÌýSentence as a Poetic Form. She is the author of a collection of poetry, Keeping Even.ÌýForthcoming prose publications include Arts & Letters and The Southeast Review.

is the recent winner of the Hollis Summers Poetry PrizeÌýand author of Penumbra. His poems recently appear in Yale Review, VirginiaÌýQuarterly Review, Sewanee Review, Poetry Daily, Parnassus, Oxford American,ÌýNarrative, and elsewhere. A former Wallace Stegner Fellow, Shewmaker is aÌýJones Lecturer in poetry at Stanford University.

is the author of a memoir and six poetry collections,Ìýincluding Milk and Filth, a finalist for the 2013 National Book Critics Circle AwardÌýin poetry. She was awarded an American Book Award for her memoir Bring DownÌýthe Little Birds and the Juniper Prize for Poetry for her collection Goodbye, Flicker.ÌýShe also co-edited Angels of the Americlypse: New Latin@ Writing, an anthologyÌýof contemporary Latinx writing. She now serves on the planning committee forÌýCantoMundo and as the publisher of Noemi Press. Her next collection of poems,ÌýCruel Futures, will be a volume in the City Lights Spotlight Series in 2018.ÌýBe Recorder will be published by Graywolf Press in 2019. Smith is professor of EnglishÌýat Virginia Tech and, with Steph Burt, poetry editor of The Nation.

was born in the Rio Grande Valley borderlandsÌýto formerly undocumented Mexican immigrants. Her work has appeared or isÌýforthcoming in PBS Newshour, Poor Claudia, Apogee, Waxwing, The Wanderer, Sporklet, DIAGRAM, The Feminist Wire, The Poetry Foundation Harriet Blog, andÌýelsewhere. She has served as an editor for the Bettering American Poetry projectÌýand is a CantoMundo fellow. Her book, Beast Meridian, is available from NoemiÌýPress. Villarreal is currently pursuing a PhD in poetry and digital media arts at theÌýUniversity of Southern California in Los Angeles.

Caki Wilkinson is the author of the poetry collections Circles Where the HeadÌýShould Be, which won the Vassar Miller Prize, and The Wynona Stone Poems,Ìýwhich won the Lexi Rudnitsky/Editor’s Choice Award. She lives in Memphis,ÌýTennessee.



Brad Eddy lives in Pittsburgh and has an MFA from The University of Montana.ÌýHis stories have appeared in Subtropics, The Normal School, descant, The SaintÌýAnn’s Review, and elsewhere.

is the author of five novels, including the Pulitzer Prize finalist TheÌýBright Forever; three memoirs; and a story collection. His work has appeared inÌýHarper’s Magazine, The Georgia Review, Glimmer Train, The Southern Review, TheÌýKenyon Review, and elsewhere. Martin teaches in the MFA program at The OhioÌýState University.

Giovanna Varela grew up in the South Orlando-North Kissimmee area ofÌýCentral Florida. She is a student in two MFA programs: creative writing at TheÌýNew School and film production at Emerson College. Her flash fiction has beenÌýpublished in Folio, Literary Juice, Rock & Sling, and the Owen Wister Review, andÌýis forthcoming in Moon City Review.


Steve Fellner is the author of two books of poetry, The Weary World RejoicesÌýand Blind Date with Cavafy, winner of the Thom Gunn Gay Male Poetry Award,Ìýand All Screwed Up, a memoir. His nonfiction has appeared in The Sun and NorthÌýAmerican Review, among other journals.


Stephen Baily has published short fiction in some forty journals. Of his tenÌýplays, four have been performed in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco,Ìýand Orlando. He’s also the author of three novels, including Markus Klyner, MD,ÌýFBI, which is available as a Kindle e-book.

Mark A. Fisher is a poet and playwright living in Tehachapi, California. HisÌýpoetry has appeared in Dragon Poet Review, Altadena Poetry Review, Penumbra,ÌýElegant Rage: A Poetic Tribute to Woody Guthrie, and many other places. Fisher isÌýthe author of two chapbooks: drifter and hour of lead, which won the 2017 SanÌýGabriel Valley Poetry Chapbook contest. His plays have appeared on CaliforniaÌýstages in Pine Mountain Club, Tehachapi, Bakersfield, and Hayward.